Unagi & Soba

A special culinary menu helmed by Hiroki Odo and his team dishes on the opening night, live painting performance will be conducted by Oyama along with special dishes by Odo. 粋”(iki), this is not a typical nostalgia to the past. will feature two iconic Chef Odo, whose extensive experience with kaiseki cuisine, from the Edo era; Unagi and Soba. However, reinterprets the essence of “ the zeitgeist of Edo, in contemporary framework and creates a sophisticated appearance of simplicity, while taking a bite will simply show how complex and carefully crafted the flavor and textures are. In Chef Odo’s words, it is his “Kodawari”, or his pursuit, dedication, and commitment to his craft with everything he creates. With anything Chef Odo prepares, there is always a kaiseki-style depth and character.

Hiroki Odo


Charcoal Grilled Unagi

Japanese eel, sansho pepper, soy sauce glaze

Chilled Tantan soba

House made soba, minced chiken, coma sasame paste